A traditional style semi detached property comprising two reception rooms, kitchen, utility and a ground floor bathroom and three bedrooms. The property also benefits from having both gas central heating and double glazing (both where specified) and has a driveway to the side and a rear garden with patio area.
Reception 1 | 11'11\" x 12' (3.63m x 3.66m). UPVC front double glazed door giving access, radiator and gas fire, dado rail, ceiling rose, ornate coving, wall lights and ceiling light.
Reception 2 | 11'11\" x 15'4\" (3.63m x 4.67m). Double aspect windows, single glazed window to the rear, double glazed window to the side, radiator and electric fire, dado rail, ceiling rose, ornate coving, ceiling light, door to stairs.
Utility | 6'11\" x 5'3\" (2.1m x 1.6m). Single glazed wood window with obscure glass facing the side overlooking the driveway, radiator, roll top work surface, space for washing machine.
Bathroom | 6'11\" x 6'7\" (2.1m x 2m). Single glazed wood window with opaque glass facing the side overlooking the driveway, radiator, textured ceiling, ornate coving, spotlights and ceiling light.
Landing | Doors lead off to
Bedroom 1 | 11'11\" x 12' (3.63m x 3.66m). Double bedroom, double glazed uPVC window facing the front radiator.
Bedroom 2 | 8'11\" x 11'10\" (2.72m x 3.6m). Double bedroom, single glazed wood window facing the rear overlooking the garden, radiator, built-in storage cupboard, ceiling light.
Bedroom 3 | 7' x 9'6\" (2.13m x 2.9m). Double bedroom, single glazed wood window facing the side, radiator, built-in storage cupboard, ornate coving, ceiling light.
Driveway | Being block paved and providing parking for vehicles and leading to steps down to paved area with timber shed and leads in turn to rear garden
Rear Grasden | Being laid to lawn with hedge and fence screening to boundaries and accessed via driveway, with steps leading down.
Kitchen | 6'11\" x 9'10\" (2.1m x 3m). UPVC side double glazed door, opening onto the driveway leading to garden, single glazed wood window facing the side overlooking the driveway, ceiling light, roll top work surface, wall and base units, one and a half bowl sink unit and drainer with mixer tap, electric oven, electric hob, over hob extractor.