Viewing is highly recommended to appreciate the accommodation and versatility of this modern three storey home. Located on the popular and sought after Vision development in Devonport with its array of local facilities and convenient access to the city centre. The well presented accommodation naturally offers gas central heating and double glazing and includes a living room, downstairs WC, modern fitted kitchen diner, five bedrooms, en suite shower room and family bathroom. Externally the property boasts an enclosed rear garden and an allocated parking space.
Living Room | 14'6" x 9'8" (4.42m x 2.95m). Front entrance door. Double glazed window facing the front. Double radiator, laminate flooring, ceiling light.
Hall | Radiator, laminate flooring, ceiling light. Stairs rising to the first floor.
WC | Radiator, vinyl flooring, ceiling light. Low level WC, pedestal sink, extractor fan.
Kitchen Diner | 11'1" x 12'10" (3.38m x 3.91m). French double glazed doors opening onto the garden. Double glazed window facing the rear overlooking the garden. Radiator, vinyl flooring, large under stairs storage cupboard, ceiling light. Wood effect roll top work surfaces, modern fitted wall and base units, one and a half bowl sink, integrated electric oven, integrated gas hob, stainless steel extractor, integrated washer dryer.
Landing | Radiator, carpeted flooring. Stairs rising to the second floor.
Bedroom 1 | 14'6" x 10'2" (4.42m x 3.1m). Double bedroom. Double glazed windows facing the front. Two radiators, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Bedroom 2 | 10'8" x 9'11" (3.25m x 3.02m). Double bedroom. Double glazed window facing the rear overlooking the garden. Radiator, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
En-suite | Double glazed window with frosted glass facing the rear. Radiator, vinyl flooring, ceiling light. Low level WC, single enclosure shower, pedestal sink, extractor fan and shaving point.
Landing | 14'8" x 9'8" (4.47m x 2.95m). Radiator, carpeted flooring. Airing cupboard.
Bedroom 3 | 7'10" x 10' (2.39m x 3.05m). Double bedroom. Double glazed window facing the rear. Radiator, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Bedroom 4 | 7'7" x 10'1" (2.31m x 3.07m). Single bedroom. Double glazed window facing the front. Radiator, carpeted flooring, ceiling light.
Bedroom 5 | 6'9" x 10'1" (2.06m x 3.07m). Single bedroom. Double glazed window facing the front. Radiator, ceiling light.
Bathroom | Double glazed window with frosted glass facing the rear. Radiator, vinyl flooring, ceiling light. Low level WC, panelled bath with mixer tap, pedestal sink, extractor fan.
Garden | At the rear is an enclosed garden with areas of raised decking, a timber garden store and bin store. Gated access leads to an allocated parking space.