This is a great opportunity to purchase this four storey town house in Southampton which briefly comprises: four bedrooms, a 16'1 x 13' lounge, a 16' x 10' kitchen diner and a 16' x 9'10 conservatory. There is also a study and a 40' rear garden, a garage and a driveway for parking two vehicles. An internal viewing is absolutely essential to appreciate the accommodation, location, size and presentation that this property has to offer. The property is being sold with no forward chain.
Entrance Porch | Double glazed door to front elevation and door to storage cupboard.
Entrance Hall | Tiled floor, coving, radiator, stairs to first floor, door to storage cupboard and door to garage.
Cloakroom | Comprising low level WC, wall mounted wash hand basin, tiled floor, extractor fan, radiator.
Study | 16' x 9'10\" (4.88m x 3m). Tiled floor, cupboard containing heating system, recessed lighting, block glazing overlooking the entrance hall.
First Floor landing | Stairs to second floor, doors to all rooms, coving.
Cloakroom | Comprising low level WC, wall mounted wash hand basin, tiled floor, part tiled walls, radiator, extractor fan.
Lounge | 16'1\" x 13' (4.9m x 3.96m). Two double glazed sliding doors to front elevation with Juliet Balcony, coving, radiator, fireplace.
Kitchen Dining Room | 16'1\" x 10'3\" (4.9m x 3.12m). Fitted with a range of eye and base level units with granite worktops over, tiled floor, recessed lighting, radiator, one and a half bowl stainless steel sink unit with mixer tap and granite splashbacks, built-in dishwasher, built-in washing machine, built-in fridge, built-in freezer, built-in electric oven, built-in microwave, built-in electric hob with extractor above, built-in floor level fan heater, double glazed window to rear elevation and double glazed door into:
Conservatory | 13'8\" x 7'9\" (4.17m x 2.36m). Double glazed, door with access to garden, electric heater, wall lights, tiled floor.
Second Floor Landing | Radiator, coving, doors to all rooms.
Family Bathroom | Comprising panelled bath with shower attachment, low level WC, recessed lighting, wall mounted wash hand basin, extractor fan, part tiled walls, tiled floor, heated towel rail.
Bedroom Two | 16' x 13' (4.88m x 3.96m). Two double glazed windows to front elevation, radiator.
En-suite | Comprising shower cubicle, low level WC, pedestal wash hand basin, heated towel rail, extractor fan, recessed lighting, tiled floor.
Bedroom Three | 10'2\" x 8'7\" (3.1m x 2.62m). Double glazed window to rear elevation, radiator.
Bedroom Four | 10'2\" x 7'3\" (3.1m x 2.2m). Double glazed window to rear elevation, radiator.
Third Floor Landing | Radiator, access to partly floored loft, door to walk-in storage cupboard and door to further walk-in wardrobe/storage cupboard, radiator.
Master Bedroom | 16' x 13' (4.88m x 3.96m). Double glazed window to front elevation, radiator, built-in wardrobes, recessed lighting.
En-suite Bathroom | Comprising: panelled bath with Jacuzzi water jets, pedestal wash hand basin, low level WC, tiled floor, heated towel rail, recessed lighting, extractor fan.
Outside | To the front of the property there is a driveway with access to the garage.
Garage | 17' x 10' (5.18m x 3.05m). Up and over door, power and lighting.
Rear Garden | The rear garden is accessed on the first floor and is enclosed. There is a patio area, a lawned area and borders containing various shrubs, plants and trees.