Schedule a Viewing Meeting with the Agent for this Property.
Street Address
Carlton Colville Lowestoft Carlton Colville, NR33 8DQ
Property description
uPVC double glazed front door to
ENTRANCE HALL: Carpeted staircase to first floor, laminate flooring, radiator, door to
LOUNGE: 13'3" x 13'3" (4.05m x 4.05m) uPVC double glazed front window, understair cupboard, fitted carpet, radiator, arch to
KITCHEN/BREAKFAST ROOM: 16'2" x 8'1" (4.93m x 2.46m) Fitted in a range of matching wall and floor units incorporating glass display cabinets, breakfast bar, work surfaces, inset circular sink, drainer, mixer tap, tiled splashbacks, inset 4-ring gas hob, oven under, extractor over, space and plumbing for washing machine and dishwasher, uPVC double glazed rear window, tile effect laminate flooring, arch to
DINING ROOM: 8'9" x 7'10" (2.67m x 2.39m) uPVC double glazed french doors to rear garden, vinyl tile effect laminate flooring.
Carpeted staircase to first floor
LANDING: uPVC double glazed side window, airing cupboard with fitted shelving, loft hatch, fitted carpet.
BEDROOM 1: 11'8" x 8'4" (3.56m x 2.55m) uPVC double glazed front window, laminate flooring, radiator.
BEDROOM 2: 9'10" max x 9'5" (2.99m max x 2.87m) uPVC double glazed rear window, laminate flooring, radiator.
BEDROOM 3: 7'6" x 7'6" (2.29m x 2.28m) uPVC double glazed front window, laminate flooring, radiator.
BATHROOM: uPVC double glazed rear window, close coupled w.c., pedestal wash basin, panelled bath, mains shower over, part tiled walls, laminate flooring, heated towel rail.
OUTSIDE: Front garden, mainly laid to lawn, path to front door, off road parking for several cars.
SINGLE GARAGE: up and over door, courtesy door to side, power and light,
Rear garden, mainly laid to lawn, fenced borders.