Property description
Robert Ellis are pleased to bring to the market this TWO BEDROOM end terrace property, being extremely well presented throughout with the additional benefits of NEW SOFFITTS AND FACIAS, GAS CENTRAL HEATING BOILER and RECENTLY UPGRADED KITCHEN AND BATHROOM.
The accommodation also derives the benefit of GAS CENTRAL HEATING combination boiler, DOUBLE GLAZING and a GARAGE located in an adjacent block. Internally the accommodation briefly comprises of entrance porch with door to living area with modern feature electric fireplace, door to dining kitchen which has recently been refurbished and benefits from having BUILT-IN COOKING FACILITIES, space for dining table and door providing access to the rear garden. To the first floor there are two double bedrooms and refitted contemporary white piece bathroom suite. Externally the property benefits from sitting on a corner plot with a larger than average garden to the front, side and an additional south facing garden to the rear
The property is located within the ever popular 'Dales' estate and is an ideal first purchase or investment opportunity, with local shops at hand, schools for all ages, health care, sports facilities including West Park Leisure Centre, Tesco and Asda superstores and numerous other shops found in Long Eaton town centre, excellent transport links including J25 of the M1, Long Eaton Station, East Midlands Airport and the A52 providing access to both Nottingham and Derby.
Entrance Porch: With a UPVC front entrance door leading to entrance lobby with obscure glazed door leading to the lounge and glazed window to the side elevation.
Lounge: [5.94m (19ft 6in) x 3.63m (11ft 11in) approx] with two wall mounted radiators, UPVC double glazed window to the front elevation, TV point, stairs leading to first floor and modern feature wall mounted electric fireplace.
Dining Kitchen: [3.63m (11ft 11in) x 2.62m (8ft 7in) approx] a recently upgraded dining kitchen with a range of matching wall and base units incorporating a roll edged work surface over, stainless steel sink with mixer tap, eye level integrated oven, stainless steel four ring gas hob burner with stainless steel chimney hood extractor over, space and plumbing for automatic washing machine, tiled splashbacks, tiling to the floor, double glazed window and door leading to the rear elevation.
First Floor Landing: With loft access hatch and doors leading off to:
Bedroom 1: [3.63m (11ft 11in) x 3.25m (10ft 8in) approx] with a double glazed window to the front elevation, wall mounted radiator and telephone point.
Bedroom 2: [3.66m (12ft 0in) x 2.64m (8ft 8in) approx] with a double glazed window to the rear elevation, wall mounted radiator and airing cupboard housing gas central heating combination boiler.
Bathroom: An upgraded three piece suite comprising of panelled bath with electric shower over, low flush w.c. and pedestal wash hand basin, tiled splashbacks, heated towel rail and obscure double glazed window to the side elevation.
Outside: To the front of the property there is a paved pathway leading to the front entrance door with an adjacent landscaped garden laid mainly to lawn with picket fence and shrubs to the borders. The garden to the rear benefits from having a raised decked area, fencing to the boundaries, garden shed and paved patio area, secure gated access to the garage which is located in the adjacent block.
Directions: Proceed out of Long Eaton along Derby Road turning left at the traffic island into Wilsthorpe Road. Proceed straight over at the first mini island and taking the right turning at the second mini island into Dovedale Avenue. Continue for some distance taking the right turning into Wharfedale Road and first right into Calderdale Drive. Continue to the very end where the property can be found at the head of the cul-de-sac as identified by our 'for sale' board. KGNM 3241
Property Features :
- 2 bedrooms
- End of Terrace house