Communal entrance Upvc double glazed entrance doors with video phone entry system to entrance foyer, lift and stairs to all floors
entrance hall Hardwood door, inset spotlights, video entryphone system, storage cupboard housing washing machine, doors to:-
kitchen/diner 24' 0" (narrowing to 14'1) x 11' 0" (7.32m x 3.35m) Hardwood flooring, upvc double glazed door to balcony with views over the canal, open plan kitchen with a range of modern white gloss wall units with cornice lighting. Matching base units with wood worktops over. Integrated microwave, oven, dishwasher, fridge/freezer, electric hob with extractor over, inset stainless steel sink and tap. Inset spotlights, radiator.
Bedroom 1 13' x 9' 4" (3.96m x 2.84m) Two upvc double glazed windows, fitted wardrobe, inset spotlights, radiator, door to:-
ensuite Upvc frosted glazed window, fully enclosed shower cubicle, low level w.C., vanity wash hand basin, fully tiled walls, inset spotlights, wood flooring.
Bedroom 2 9' 10" x 9' 6" (3m x 2.9m) Upvc double glazed window, radiator, inset spotlights.
Bathroom Modern three-piece suite comprising bath with shower unit over, dual flush w.C., vanity wash hand basin, ladder style radiator, extractor fan, wood flooring, inset spotlights.