Russell James * popular location * Admin fee £175 other fee's may apply * One bedroom ground floor apartment * Open plan living * Electric storage heaters and double glazing * Security intercom * Modern bathroom * Allocated parking * Unfurnished * Available soon * To view * restrictions - no DSS or pets
Front door opens into hallway with airing cupboard.
Fitted with a range of modern wall and base units with complimentary worktops, electric oven and hob with extractor over, spaces for washing machine and fridge. Open plan to:
French doors leading to juliet style balcony.
Double room with window to side.
Fitted with a modern white three piece suite comprising of; Panelled bath with overhead shower unit, pedestal wash hand basin and low level W.C. Partially tiled walls.
There is allocated parking in the courtyard to the front and rear of the block.
Admin fee £175 other fee's may apply
From our office on Manchester Road proceed towards the roundabout, take the first exit on the left onto Bolton Road, at the set of traffic lights at the top of Agecroft Road, turn right. Travel along Agecroft Road until you reach a mini roundabout, take the first left exit onto Giants Seat Grove. Follow the road round to the left and turn into the car park in front of Scott Court.
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